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Our company was founded in 1965 by the incorporation of the G. Bettazza firm, manufacturer of gears since 1933.

Since the beginning, with a specialised staff at our service, we have been able to offer a qualified product and punctuality in the deliveries.

In 75 years of experience, we achieved a constant improvement of the firm in order to manufacture a bigger range of products, characterised by higher standards of precision and quality.

Technologies and capitals are necessary but not enough: experts are needed, able to identify the appropriate method to get the best results.
We propose as a competent and reliable partner to face the challenge of the global market and contributo to your success.

We don’t have a product list, but we produce from one to thousands of pieces working on drawing or on sample and we advice the client about every concerning problem.

We are able to supply gears of every kind and dimension, characterized by a high standard of quality, guaranteed by constant checks and inspection of materials, by an excellent supply of software of the technical department, by an extended and complete control room, and furthermore by the internal manual of quality.

We own about 140 machine - tools and a stock of thousands of cutting tools of every kind.

A wide area inside the factory dedicated to the raw material, served by a travelling bridge - crane and saw - machines, allows us to obtain restricted delivery times.


Raelca S.r.l. - Sede legale: Milano, via Tortona, 36 - © Tutti i diritti riservati - P.IVA IT 00747740157